Blogging 101 Fashion

Affiliate Marketing – the basics

We want to start to be more transparent about everything we do and how we make money off of blogging. We want our blog to be a place where you can ask us any questions you want and we try to respond within 24 hours. So with that we want to share with you guys what affiliate marketing is and how we make money off of it.

Every time you see us post to Instagram and you see our caption saying shop here through that’s our biggest form of affiliate marketing. If you shop that post we make money. Now say the item is $50 we might only make $2-$4 off that item depending on the brands commission. If you buy multiple items then we make money off of each item you buy. If you click on the link and don’t buy that specific product but search the website and buy something else you like- we also will make money as long as you didn’t click out of the link. Wondering how to shop via @liketoknowit?
Follow these steps:
1. Download the app
2. Search @livelycraze
3. Easily shop all of our outfits there
4. Once you download the app you can also screen shot our photo and details will be sent to your email.
5. If the above steps are too much all of our outfits are also linked on our shop page here.
There is also Shopstyle. Some bloggers use one or the other and some use both. We use a little bit of both. Why you ask? Well it is actually easier to make money off of shopstyle than A few of our links throughout our blog are shopstyle because with shop style we make money every time someone clicks on the link whether or not they make a purchase. Now it is only a few pennies. I know I know what’s the point you are thinking? Well pennies add up so if we get enough people to click it then we can start making a little bit extra cash.
We hope this helped to learning a little bit more behind blogging. Let us know if there is anything specific you want us to touch upon!

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