To the Daughter who lost her mother…I know how you feel. Some days you are fine and try to just get on with your life while other days it feels as if the world is crashing down on you and all you want to do is curl up into a ball and hide from this crazy world. Missing someone and not being able to see them is the worst feeling ever.
Your mom is not just your mother she is your best friend- the one that taught you everything. Life is short so spend it with people you love and forget those who don’t matter.
To the Daughter who lost her Mother:
- You are going to miss her.
- Even the simplest days are going to be your hardest, when you mind wanders most
- In a crowded room you will search for her
- When you are walking down the aisle you will wish nothing more than for her to be there
- When you are pregnant and yearning for advise you will be thinking of her
- When your child asked about your mom you will wish they met
- When you think of the advice your mom gave you and realizing she really did always know best
- When the Holidays pass and you make her favorite dish it will bring happy tears
- When the birthdays pass by without her and the only gift you want is to see her for the day
- When the best stories are told about her and all you think about is her voice
- When the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you will pray for her
- When you feel like you can’t talk to anyone else but her, you will talk aloud hoping she can hear
You are going to miss her in a million ways. The shock of losing your mom is so strong that it is physically painful. You will want nothing more than to hit rewind and I promise you, you will never get used to her being gone.
But missing her means that you had someone so great to miss, so don’t ever forget the memories and what your mom taught you. Continue on for her and her spirit.
My mom did everything for my family. She always told me how beautiful I was but also made me realize that I am smart and capable of doing whatever I put my mind to. That I am strong. I miss her everyday and it still feels like she is here. I know you are watching over me with a guiding hand and I hope that I see you again one day.
To the Daughter who lost her Mother I know how you feel.

Debbie died from a rare form of Appendix cancer called Signet Ring Adenocarcinoma on Jan 17th surrounded by friends and family. She is dearly missed by her whole community.
December 2nd1959- January 17th, 2018.