
Henna Crown


As my best friend & co-blogger mentioned, as of 8.24.15 I got the news that I’m officially in remission. This was the most amazing news I have ever heard in my life. When I first found out I was in shock as I think most people are. Cancer is a terrifying thing to have at the age of 23. You feel like this is when you’re just starting and figuring out life and all the sudden it’s on hold. Not to mention you’ve lost all your control. I had a quick melt down but I told myself I couldn’t let this stop my life.


So I didn’t! I tried to stay positive about everything; good vibes go a long way. I also have a great support system that I’m truly out of this world grateful for! Planning activities with everyone and staying occupied was really what got me through this. I wanted to take this time to encircle my life with memories I’ll never forget.


As soon as I was told I’d lose my hair I went straight to the Internet to find something trendy to do with a baldhead! I saw women doing “henna crowns” and I knew instantly this is what I wanted to do! So I texted my 10+ group chat of my closest friends and wrote… “Henna party, what do you think?!” Everyone loved the idea! The next step was trying to find someone that would come to my house now! I went on [Thumbtack] which is a site that connects you with professionals for any type of event in your area. It gave me a selection of henna artists. I contacted them all to compare prices and their experience. I went with this lovely woman [Farzana Fatema] that charged per henna tattoo {prices varied depending on what people got} and tolls to get to my house which came to only $30.


We made a whole morning out of it though! We had great bites to enjoy and sat around talking and laughing! I’d really suggest this to someone that’s struggling and needs something to lift their spirits!









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